On Thu, 03 Dec 2015 17:33:39 +0100
"W. Martin Borgert" <deba...@debian.org> wrote:

> Quoting Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org>:
> > What do you think?  
> Of course we should have both django-LTS and django-LATEST in
> Debian :~) But that would be much more work for both maintainers and
> security team, so it's probably not a serious option.
> I wonder which packages *in Debian* depend on Django, including those
> currently ITPed or in NEW?
>   * Booktype
>   * DjangoCMS
>   * FeinCMS
>   * Kallithea
>   * MediaGoblin
>   * Plinth
>   * Pootle
>   * Weblate

   * lava-server


(lava.debian.net|org is planned, once I get some time between keeping
upstream clean on django1.8 and django1.9 and actually getting the work
done for Debian to make good use out of a LAVA framework. (First test
case will be vmdebootstrap testing as an extension of the test suite,
making sure that not only do the images contain the expected components
but that the image actually boots.)

> All the applications must work with the Django in stable. Maybe the
> anti-cyclic release cycles of Debian and Django are a blessing, not a
> curse, because it gives enough time to stabilise?


Neil Williams

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