On 10/01/2013 05:01 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> Julien Danjou <a...@debian.org> wrote:
>> This is not OpenStack related at all, there's no reason to limit its
>> maintenance to the OpenStack team.
>> I don't think the Python module team aims to switch to Git, so
>> collab-maint would be a good choice if git is retained.
> Last time we discussed this,  we identified some things that needed to be 
> resolved before we could switch. The problem isn't resistance,  but that the 
> magic some people seem to be waiting for to do the work is being slow. 

This is unfortunately not my recollection of events, but i don't have
the time or mental energy to dig back through the archives right now and
rehash that struggle.  I'll just say that as someone who hoped to help
the python module team move to git, i felt the resistance was
sufficiently strong that my limited time was best used elsewhere.

> Anyone who wants to switch to git should work on switching. I'm not planning 
> to work on it myself because I don't care which we use. 

I'm doing this this by moving packages that i plan to work on into
collab-maint, instead of the python modules team.  Sorry :(


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