Processing commands for

> reassign 693855 python-xdg 0.24-1
Bug #693855 [apt-xapian-index] apt-xapian-index: weekly cron job crashes in 
testing due to invalid UTF-8 in app-install-data
Bug reassigned from package 'apt-xapian-index' to 'python-xdg'.
No longer marked as found in versions apt-xapian-index/0.45.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #693855 to the same values 
previously set
Bug #693855 [python-xdg] apt-xapian-index: weekly cron job crashes in testing 
due to invalid UTF-8 in app-install-data
Marked as found in versions pyxdg/0.24-1.
> retitle 693855 IniFile.parse chokes on bad utf8
Bug #693855 [python-xdg] apt-xapian-index: weekly cron job crashes in testing 
due to invalid UTF-8 in app-install-data
Changed Bug title to 'IniFile.parse chokes on bad utf8' from 'apt-xapian-index: 
weekly cron job crashes in testing due to invalid UTF-8 in app-install-data'
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

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