Source: python-numpy
Version: 1:1.4.1-5
Tags: upstream fixed-upstream
Usertags: sphinx1.0
Severity: important


When rebuilt with python-sphinx 1.0.5-1 (available in experimental), Numpy failed to build. Here are the relevant parts of the build log:

| # build doc only for default python version
| (export MPLCONFIGDIR=. ; make -C doc html 
| make[1]: Entering directory 
| mkdir -p build
| touch build/generate-stamp
| mkdir -p build/html build/doctrees
| LANG=C sphinx-build -b html -d build/doctrees   source build/html
| Running Sphinx v1.0.5
| | Exception occurred:
|   File 
 line 136, in get_directive
|     raise RuntimeError("No directive named '%s' found" % name)
| RuntimeError: No directive named 'function' found
| The full traceback has been saved in /tmp/sphinx-err-6YAc7o.log, if you want 
to report the issue to the developers.
| Please also report this if it was a user error, so that a better error 
message can be provided next time.
| Either send bugs to the mailing list at 
| or report them in the tracker at 
<>. Thanks!
| 1.4 1.4.1
| make[1]: *** [html] Error 1

The full traceback was:

| # Sphinx version: 1.0.5
| # Python version: 2.6.6
| # Docutils version: 0.7 release
| # Jinja2 version: 2.5.5
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/sphinx/", line 172, in main
|     warningiserror, tags)
|   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/sphinx/", line 116, in 
|     self.setup_extension(extension)
|   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/sphinx/", line 259, in 
|     mod.setup(self)
|   File 
 line 119, in setup
|     app.add_directive('np-' + name, wrap_mangling_directive(name, objtype))
|   File 
 line 139, in wrap_mangling_directive
|     base_directive = get_directive(base_directive_name)
|   File 
 line 136, in get_directive
|     raise RuntimeError("No directive named '%s' found" % name)
| RuntimeError: No directive named 'function' found

This bug has been already reported and fixed upstream:

Jakub Wilk

Python-modules-team mailing list

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