Thanks for prompt reply.

Please see inline.

On 01/03/2011 01:29 AM, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
[Jd, 2011-01-03]
    We have been trying to get out open source version of the product in
to Ubuntu 10.10. The TG2 package seems to depend on Pylon 0.10, Which
seems to be some intermediate release.
Debian Squeeze will have python-pylons 0.10 mainly because TurboGears2
doesn't work with Pylons 1.0 (the other reason is to make it easier to
migrate other Pylons applications to 1.0, Pylons 1.0 is the same as 0.10
with one exception: all deprecated code is removed).

From the link I sent earlier

"it seems to be a problem with the new version of pylons :- pylons 0.10
if i install pylons 0.9.7 , it works fine. "

Note it says TG2.0.3 does not work with pylons 0.10. Does this means TG2 will not work on Squeeze as well ?
1.0 and most probably Pyramid. I'll decide later if Pylons will be in
Wheezy+1 (python-pyramid will be maintained by TANIGUCHI Takaki)

humm.. interesting, will have to see how quickly we can move project to Pyramid based stack.
This is breaking our application and is preventing us from creating the
application package (.deb )

More context :
can you reproduce it in Debian? If yes, please report a serious bug
against turbogears2 package
Which version of Debian is Ubuntu 10.10 based on ? Lenny ? Could you please confirm so we test against the right version.


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