Am Wednesday, 3. December 2008 schrieb Torsten Marek:
> As for Phonon not finding its backends, that seems to be purely a
> configuration issue. On my system, the file plays just fine using phonon
> 4.2.0-2.
> > KDE Phonon though works, is that a packaging problem? Do I need other
> > packages installed?
> Are you running KDE when trying out the PyQt4 code?
> > Should I open a new bug report?
> Does a C++ version of your Python code behave in the same way? If it
> does, then it's a Phonon problem.

I ported the Phonon example on Techbase [1] which gave me the certainty 
everything was working and it turned out, that I had an encoding problem in 
the local path, which prevented Phonon of playing the track, mea culpa.

Something I saw porting the code was that the C++ version seems to allow a 
string for MediaObject.setCurrentSource(), though PyQt4 does not, that might 
be a bug upstream.

Anyway, this bug can be closed. Thanks for you patience.


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