This is a ListCtrl descendant: class MegaListCtrl(wx.ListCtrl): <more code here....>
def InsertImageStringItem(self, index, label, imageIndex): imageIndex = self.imagelists[wx.IMAGE_LIST_SMALL].GetIndexByName(imageIndex) print index,imageIndex,label,imageIndex super(MegaListCtrl,self).InsertImageStringItem(index, label, imageIndex) <more code here....> Here I create the list control instance: lst = self.lstExtTables = MegaListCtrl(pnl,-1,style=wx.LC_REPORT) info = wx.ListItem() info.m_mask = wx.LIST_MASK_TEXT | wx.LIST_MASK_IMAGE | wx.LIST_MASK_FORMAT info.m_image = -1 info.m_format = 0 info.m_text = _("Table name") lst.InsertColumnInfo(0, info) sizer.Add(lst,proportion=1,flag=wx.EXPAND) <more code here....> Here I try to add some items: if not extdbdef is None: for tblref in extdbdef.tables: tbl = tblref() if not tbl is None: print str( lst.InsertImageStringItem(sys.maxint, str(, 'table') This is the output of the program: C:/Python24/pythonw.exe -u "T:/Python/Lib/mess/utils/" client 2147483647 248 client 248 jn_client 2147483647 248 jn_client 248 However, the ListCtrl displays empty. I can see the gray column header, but it has not text. The two items are probably added, because InsertImageStringItem did not raise an exception, but the items are not visible. Do you have an idea what can be the problem? Thanks, Laszlo --