On Thu 20 Jul 2006 04:32:28 AM EDT, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>             self.__dict__[name] = value
> Make it:      
>               object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
> Your approach will lead to strange results if you mix it with properties
> or other descriptors...


>>     class C1(C):
>>         standard_attributes = ['a1', 'a2']
> DRY violation here. And a potential problem with inheritance (as always
> with class attributes).

Considering I had to look up what DRY meant before replying to this
message, I may be missing your point.  Is the repeat here that each
subclass has to define its own list of standard attributes?   Or, is it
that the standard_attributes list holds strings, but I could build that
list up by looking at my existing attributes?

If you're feeling charitable, can you explain what you mean a little


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