BartlebyScrivener wrote:
> then you no longer need tom, you imported all of his FUNCTIONS (never
> heard of submodule).

my mistake, I was using the wrong name

tom/ <-- package      <     < these are modules contained in tom/          <

if I import tom, it is supposed to load functions defined in
tom/ and make all the modules inside accessible through the
"dot" syntax.

Therefore, this is supposed to work :

?> import tom
?> help(tom.core)

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'core'

But if I use the baaaaad star syntax

?> from tom import *
?> help(core)

this will work. So that means star loaded functions of AND
modules contained, whereas dot syntax does not give me access to
modules inside. The issue is not about using or not using the import *


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