I think I got the answer by playing around a bit.   It appears you
*don't* need to forward declare things.  For example, the following
code works:

class a:
  def run(self):

class a_sub(a):
  def print_it(self):
    print "Hi"



John Henry wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am trying to understand better Python packaging.  This might be a
> messed up class hierachy but how would I break this cyclic relatioship?
> In file A:
> from B import B_Class
> Class_A_Main():
>    def ....
>    def SomeMethod(self):
>       res=B_Class(self)
> Class_A_SubClass(Class_A_Main):
>    def ...
> In file B:
> Class B_Class():
>    def __init__(self,parent):
>       ...
>    def SomeMethod(self):
>       res=C_Class(self)
> In file C:
> from file A import Class_A_SubClass
> Class C_Class(Class_A_SubClass):
>    def __init__(self, parent):
>       ...
> As you can see, the cyclic relationship exists because C_Class is a
> sub-class of SubClass which is in turn a sub-class of Class_A_Main and
> in one of the methods of Class_A, it has a need to create a C_Class
> object.
> I tried to merge the files A and C (by placing C_Class behind A_Class)
> and have the method in A_Class create C_Class directly but that doesn't
> work because Python says C_Class is not defined when it's processing
> the A_Class method.   May be somebody can tell me how to "forward
> declare" a class?
> Regards,


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