On 2006-07-16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> If the server has closed the connection, then a recv() on the
>> socket will return an empty string "", and a send() on the
>> socket will raise an exception.

> like this ?
> databack = aeris_sockobj.recv(2048)
>  if databack:
>             view_msg = 'caught request acknowlage %s bytes \n' %
> len(databack)
> else:
>             view_msg = 'fail to recieve data from aeris server\n'
> then put the reconnect in the else: block ?

Yes, if the problem is that the host closes the connection,
that should work.  Modulo the broken indentation and
line-wrapping. ;)

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  My mind is a potato
                                  at               field...

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