On Friday 14 July 2006 04:26, Satya Kiran wrote:
> Hello,
> I have upgraded to Python2.4 on my Red Hat 9.0 Linux box.
> I want to work with IDLE and ran a search to check it's presence.
>  Here is what I get.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# find / -iname idlelib
> /usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# cd /usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] idlelib]# python PyShell.py
> ** IDLE can't import Tkinter.  Your Python may not be configured for Tk. **
> How do I resolve this and get IDLE working?
> thanks in advance,
> Kiran Satya

You need to install python's tkinter functionality separately in some 
RPM-based distros (suse and redhat off the top of my head).

Search your package repository for the package called python-tkinter (it may 
be named slightly differently on redhat - ie: python_tkinter, but whichever, 
that's the one)


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