Quenton Bonds wrote:

> I am trying to understand the abilities and limitation of creating an 
> instance.  First I will give you my understanding then please steer me 
> in the right direction.
> Abiities
> 1.  The two ways to create an instance is def method(self) & 
> __int__(self, other, instances,...)
> 2.  By creating an instance of a method; the functions of that method 
> can be used through out the
>    program in a fashion such as self.methodofprogram(parameters)
> Limitations
> 3.  One cannot create an instance of a class.
> 4.  An instance can only perform functions that are provided from the 
> method it was instanced from.
> 5.  Is there any other key information I am missing.

most of it, really.  or maybe you've just mixed all the words up.

I suggest reading the "gentle introduction to classes" found here:


(this is a proposed addition to the python tutorial; comments are welcome)



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