Marshall schrieb:
> By your definition, "pointer" and "variable" are synonyms. That doesn't
> seem like a good idea to me. (What if i and j end up in registers?
> I have not heard it said that registers have addresses.)

There are no registers in the JVM ;-P

More specifically, where Joe said "pointer" he really meant "reference". 
i refers to a variable, and you really want to make sure that the first 
i refers to the same variable as the second i, so whatever is referred 
to by i is really an identity.

>>> Those two local primitive variables cannot be made to have the same
>>> identity. But you can update them, so this is an example of mutability
>>> without the possibility of identity.
>> The identity is temporal:  You use the same variable name at two
>> different times.  Do you intend for the second `i' to mean the same
>> variable as the first `i'?
> Okay, so "i" and "i" have the same identity.

Vacuous but true.

> I suppose you could argue that the language's namespace is an
> address-space, and variable names are addresses.


> At this point, though, you've made the concept of identity so broad
> that it is now necessarily a property of all languages that use named
> values, whether updatable or not. I think you would also have to call
> "3" a void pointer by this scheme.

It's not a void pointer, it's a pointer to an integer, but you're 
correct: "3", when written in a program text, is a reference to the 
successor of the successor of the successor of zero.

If you find that silly and would like to stick with equality, then 
you're entirely correct. Natural numbers are entirely immutable by 
definition, and I'm definitely not the first one to observe that 
identity and equality are indistinguishable for immutable objects.

> Clearly there is *some* difference between a language which allows
> explicit pointers and thus aliasing and one that doesn't.

You can have aliasing without pointers; e.g. arrays are fully sufficient.
If i = j, then a [i] and a [j] are aliases of the same object.

(After I observed that, I found it no longer a surprise that array 
optimizations are what Fortran compiler teams sink most time into. The 
aliasing problems are *exactly* the same as those with pointers in C - 
though in practice, the Fortranistas have the advantage that the 
compiler will usually know that a [i] and b [j] cannot be aliases of 
each other, so while they have the same problems, the solutions give the 
Fortranistas more leverage.)

 > What term would you use? First-class variables?

I think it's more a quasi-continuous spectrum.

On one side, we have alias-free toy languages (no arrays, no pointers, 
no call-by-reference, just to name the most common sources of aliasing).

SQL is slightly more dangerous: it does have aliases, but they are 
rarely a problem (mostly because views aren't a very common thing, and 
even if they are used, they aren't usually so abstract that they really 
hide the underlying dependencies).

Next are languages with arrays and call-by-reference. "Pascal without 
pointers" would be a candidate.
Here, aliasing occurs, and it can and does hide behind abstraction 
barriers, but it's not a serious problem unless the software becomes 
*really* large.

The end of the line are languages that use references to mutable data 
everywhere. All OO languages are a typical example of that.


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