Tom Plunket wrote:
> I have some code to autogenerate some boilerplate code so that I don't
> need to do the tedious setup stuff when I want to create a new module.
> So, my script prompts the user for the module name, then opens two
> files and those files each get the contents of one of these functions:
> def GetPyContents(module):
>       boilerplate = \
> """
> class %s:
>       pass
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>       import unittest
>       unittest.main('%s_t')
> """
>       return boilerplate % ((module,) * 2)
> def GetTestContents(module):
>       boilerplate = \
> """from %s import *
> import unittest
> class Test%s(unittest.TestCase):
>       def testConstruction(self):
>               self.failUnless(%s())
>       def testWriteMoreTests(self):
>     'This test should fail.')
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>       unittest.main()
> """
>       return boilerplate % ((module,) * 3)
> My question is, I don't like hardcoding the number of times that the
> module name should be repeated in the two return functions.  Is there
> an straight forward (inline-appropriate) way to count the number of
> '%s'es in the 'boilerplate' strings?  ...or maybe a different and more
> Pythonic way to do this?  (Maybe I could somehow use generators?)

Python's string formatting comes in two flavours : positional (the one
you used in your above example), and keywords:

tpls = [
  "%(name1)s is %(name1)s and %(name2)s is %(name2)s",
  "what about %(name2)s for %(name1)s ?",
  "Now we only deal with %(name1)s",

data = {'name1' : 'parrot', 'name2': 'dead'}

for tpl in tpls:
  print tpl % data

As you can see, the keyword flavour doesn't care about positions nor

You may also want to look at more featured templating solutions like
empy, cheetah, etc...

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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