John Draper wrote:

> I remember a few years ago, I posted something like this to the list,
> and got flamed 6 ways from Sunday for having the audacity to propose
> this.

certain people think that the mere thought of getting paid for 
contributing to freely available software is outrageously immoral...

 > 50 Euros/hour is a very good rate by the way..   if more consultants
> would offer their services this inexpensively, then perhaps it might even
> be competitive with outsourcing.

not sure about that, though: increasingly, outsourcing means paying 
someone to sign up for a hotmail account and keep sending increasingly 
annoying mails to fredrik lundh until he gives up and points to some 
ready-made code that might solve the customer's problem (if I had a 
dollar for every such mail etc etc).



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