Sanjay wrote:
> Probably a newcomer question, but I could not find a solution.
> I am trying to have some singleton global objects like "database
> connection" or "session" shared application wide.
> Trying hard, I am not even being able to figure out how to create an
> object in one module and refer the same in another one. "import"
> created a new object, as I tried.

Try the "borg" pattern:
It's very simple and does what you need.  Don't be put off by comments
that "it's not a *real* singleton".

Or, use a module-level object, e.g.:
class db_conn:
   def __init__(self, dbname, dbhost):
      self.conn = whatever(dbname, dbhost)

conn = db_conn('mydb", "myhost")
import db
cur = db.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select lkjlkj")

Repeated imports of db by various modules in an application
do *not* rerun the code in .

-- George


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