Martin P. Hellwig wrote: > I'd like to wrap libpam so that I can use that for authentication and > password management. I build ctypes ( on my platform via ports. > > Now according to OpenPAM documentation all sessions start with pam_start(). > According to the man page it should contain this: > pam_start(const char *service, const char *user, > const struct pam_conv *pam_conv, pam_handle_t **pamh) > > Where service in my case should be 'auth' and user 'martin' with > pam_conv being 'PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON' for testing purposes (at least I > assumed it works this way, but probably I'm doing something wrong, > though I don't know what the correct way should be like). > >>> from ctypes import * > >>> libpam = cdll.LoadLibrary('/usr/lib/') > >>> libpam.pam_start('auth','martin','PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON')
passing in a string where the function expects a "struct pam_conv" (i.e. a custom data structure) is probably not a very good idea... (look up "structures" in the ctypes manual for more info on how to handle this) </F> --