>> My list called "elten" looks like that:
>> [Tensor: id = 1,  intensity = 2976.52
>>  xx = -1447.32, xy = 52.458, xz = -594.186
>>  yy = -1090.54, yz = -0.0158068, zz = -4043.
>> , Tensor: id = 26,  intensity = 2896.9
>>  ...
>> , Tensor: id = 5,  intensity = 2920.5
>>  xx = -1534.53, xy = 23.4858, xz = -623.967
>>  yy = -1070.47, yz = 99.6301, zz = -3979.87
>> ]

> The list above is not a valid Python list. What is it that you store in that 
> list?

It might well be a normal Python list.

The question is what type the items in the list are...
The result of printing a list L is basically a string you
could make like this:

'[' + ','.join(map(repr,L)) + ']'

It seems the elements in this list appear as something
like this when you apply the repr() function on them:

Tensor: id = 1,  intensity = 2976.52
  xx = -1447.32, xy = 52.458, xz = -594.186
  yy = -1090.54, yz = -0.0158068, zz = -4043.

So, the issue is not how you work with a list,
but how you work with the elements of this type.

To reduce the problem to that, you can assign the
first element in the list to a variable.

elem0 = elten[0]

Then you can inspect that in isolation, without
the confusion of the list.


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