Hi, Following are my files. In the format: Filename ---- content ----
config1.txt ---- #DataBase Repository file dbRepository = omsa_disney.xml ---- config2.txt ---- # Configfile for sendmail [Sendmail] userprefix = testuser ---- pyConfig.py ---- import re def pyConfig(): fhandle = open( 'config1.txt', 'r' ) arr = fhandle.readlines() fhandle.close() hash = {} for item in arr: txt = item.strip() if re.search( '^\s*$', txt ): continue if re.search( '^#.*$', txt ): continue if not re.search( '^\s*(\w|\W)+\s*=\s*(\w|\W)+\s*$', txt ): continue hash[txt.split( '=' )[0].strip().lower()] = txt.split( '=' )[1].strip() print hash['dbrepository'] ---- pyConparse.py ---- from ConfigParser import ConfigParser def pyConParse(): configparser = ConfigParser() configparser.read('config2.txt') print configparser.get('Sendmail','userprefix') ---- Question is: How do I compare the performance of pyConfig.py vs pyConparse.py using timeit module? I tried it as the way it is mentioned in the example, but when I do Timer("pyConfig()","from __main__ import pyConfig"), it imports pyConfig in infinite loop. ( How does the python doc example on timeit work? Anyone tried it?) I just need to compare pyConfig.py and pyParse.py. ( And as general question x.py and y.py) How I can do it? Please consider this as a newbie question as well. Thanks, Senthil -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list