
Thanks for the responses. The reason I want to change the name of the
attribute is because it doesn't reflect the purpose of the attribute,
anymore. The attribute was originally a string object, but not anymore.
It is primarily a readability issue. There are also a few key
attributes I don't want developers, including myself, fiddling with.
Properties /accessors are good because they allow you to encapsulate
attributes so you can change implementations at will. Some of you have
argued I would have needed to change accessor names too if I had
misnamed them earlier. It's hard to say. I find myself changing the
names of attributes a lot more frequently than I do functions or
methods. Choosing a crappy attribute name is effortless for me,
especially during intense coding sessions. I usually realize I've
choosing a crappy attribute name the next day, sometimes even later.
However, I put a lot more effort into choosing method and function
names, especially when I know it may likely be a public API. Plus it's
really hard to choose crappy accessor name. 



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