"Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> bruce schrieb:
> > hi...
> > i can do the following
> >   br = Browser
> >   br.open("www.yahoo.com")
> >   br.open("file:///foo")
> >  but can i do
> >   s = "..." <<<< qualified html text
> >   br.open(s)
> >  i'm curious, if i have html from someother source, is there a way
> > to simply
> > get it into the "Browser" so i can modify it...
> Use the tempfile-module to create a temporary file, write your HTML in
> there and point the browser to it. Alternatively, you could fire up a
> SimpleHTTPServer and serve the content. For HTML-only this would be
> overkill, but if you need images as well it might be worth it.

There are better/other ways which I've already pointed bruce to on the
mailing list that covers module mechanize

I've asked Bruce not to cross-post all this stuff -- partly since he's
not likely to get a good answer from anybody but me and the others on
that list, but also to avoid irritating everybody on c.l.py ;-)


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