"faulkner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> you want a directory watching daemon. it isn't hard at all to build
> from scratch.
> first, determine which directories should be watched.
> then, os.walk each directory, building a mapping from filename to mtime
> [modified time; os.path.getmtime].
> next is your main event loop. this while loop consists of os.walk-ing
> each directory again, comparing the current mtime to the corresponding
> entry in the mapping. if they differ, or if a filename isn't in the
> mapping, something happened, at which point you can logick out whether
> a file was moved, deleted, changed, or created.
> so many folks have looked for this that i'll just write a generic one
> and put it in the cheeseshop. look for "dirmon" in about a week.

While I am a fan of "brute force"


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