Sheldon skrev:

> Hi,
> I am trying to build a large array using concatenate function in
> python.
> So as I loop over the number of arrays, of which there are 12 (4 down
> and 3 across), I create 3 long arrays by concatenating them at the
> bottom and then concatenating them side by side:
> for ind in range(num_arrays):
>             if ind == 0:
>                 bias_down1 = array(bias)
>                 ppslon1    = array(ppslon)
>                 ppslat1    = array(ppslat)
>              elif ind > 0 and <= 3:
>                 bias_down1 = concatenate((bias_down1,bias),0)
>                 ppslon1    = concatenate((ppslon1,ppslon),0)
>                 ppslat1    = concatenate((ppslat1,ppslat),0)
>             elif ind == 4:
>                 bias_down2 = array(bias)
>                 ppslon2    = array(ppslon)
>                 ppslat2    = array(ppslat)
>             elif ind > 4 and ind <= 7:
>                 bias_down2 = concatenate((bias_down2,bias),0)
>                 ppslon2    = concatenate((ppslon2,ppslon),0)
>                 ppslat2    = concatenate((ppslat2,ppslat),0)
>             elif ind == 8:
>                 bias_down3 = array(bias)
>                 ppslon3    = array(ppslon)
>                 ppslat3    = array(ppslat)
>             elif ind > 8:
>                 bias_down3 = concatenate((bias_down3,bias),0)
>                 ppslon3    = concatenate((ppslon3,ppslon),0)
>                 ppslat3    = concatenate((ppslat3,ppslat),0)
> bias_a   = concatenate((bias_down1,bias_down2),1) # joining the arrays
> side by side
> bias_all = concatenate((bias_a,bias_down3),1)
> ppslat_a   = concatenate((ppslat1,ppslat2),1)
> ppslat_all = concatenate((ppslat_a,ppslat3),1)
> ppslon_a   = concatenate((ppslon1,ppslon2),1)
> ppslon_all = concatenate((ppslon_a,ppslon3),1)
> print 'Max lat', max(max(ppslat_all)), '\t','Min lat',
> min(min(ppslat_all))
> print 'Max lon', max(max(ppslon_all)), '\t','Min lon',
> min(min(ppslon_all))
> *****************
> Now this works, the array size is correct but the longitude values
> given for max and min are wrong. What is even stranger to me is that
> when I write the array in binary format to a file and read it with
> Matlab, the max and min are correct but when I read it back with python
> the max and min are again incorrect for only the longitude data. I
> saved the max and min for the longitude for each array and then check
> it in the python program and they are correct at the end but the
> max(max(ppslon)) values is incorrect.  Does anyone knows why this is
> so?
> If I was doing something wrong then Matlab would not have returned
> correct values.
> Any help is appreciated!
> /Sheldon

Sorry, there is a small error when I wrote this part of the program:
should say "ind <= 3"



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