Hello, Pls excuse if you consider this off-topic. Conceptual artists seek programmers here.
We are authors of "Exhibition of Living Managers" (MANAGEX, www.managex.info) which is is global conceptual art project, performed in world's leading contemporary art centres. Art objects at MANAGEX are real employed managers, who volunteer to exhibit themselves in a galery setting. Our new project is "Exhibition of Living Programmers" (PROGRAMEX), which is similar to MANAGEX but focusing on professional programmers. Managex' official website is www.managex.info. We have also just opened a Google Group here on Managex project: http://groups.google.com/group/Exhibition-of-Living-Managers-MANAGEX, where you are welcome to register and participate. Once we have substantial number of interested programmers, we will open a dedicated group on Programex. Hope to hear from you and see you at Programex. Again, sorry if this posting disturbed anybody. Best, MANAGEX / PROGRAMEX team www.managex.info -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list