tommak wrote:
>  This book, "Next Generation Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Mind
>  - Part One - Basic Architecture and Cognitive Structure" introduces a
>  basic artificial mind architecture and computational model for
>  cognitive processing. Based on the architecture and the
>  computational model, one can develop his own model of artificial mind
>  according to his own specific requirements. Visit this page to
>  download a free evaluation copy of the book:

I figured this would just be a rather crackpot* theory which could
nevertheless be evaluated on the merits and be worth a look, but
I think it's actually a 'phish'.  Sigh. Too bad.  I like reading crackpot
AI theories now and then.


*By which I really just mean an "unreviewed crackpot theory",
since, with the state of the art being what it is, pretty much ALL
AI theories are "crackpot" ;-)
Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


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