bruce wrote: > hi... > > update. i'm getting back html, and i'm getting strings like " foo " > which is valid HTML as the ' ' is a space.
&, n, b, s, p, ; Those are all ascii characters. > i need a way of stripping/removing the ' ' from the string > > the needs to be treated as a single char... > > text = "foo cat " > > ie ok_text = strip(text) > > ok_text = "foo cat" Do you really want to remove those html entities? Or would you rather convert them back into the actual text they represent? Do you just want to deal with 's? Or maybe the other possible entities that might appear also? Check out htmlentitydefs.entitydefs (see it's kind of ugly looking so maybe use pprint to print it: >>> import htmlentitydefs, pprint >>> pprint.pprint(htmlentitydefs.entitydefs) {'AElig': 'Æ', 'Aacute': 'Á', 'Acirc': 'Â', . . . 'nbsp': '\xa0', . . . etc... HTH, ~Simon "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." -Inigo Montoya, "The Princess Bride" --