[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Greetings, since there was no reponse to my previous post about an > existing FastCGI server in python, I've taken to writing my own. (which > of course I'll share--*if* there's something to share ;) > > My problem now, is that I need to send certain binary data over a > socket. That is, I want to make some bytes, and stuff them in a TCP > packet, send them down the pipe, and then listen for a response. > > socket.send, as best I can tell, will only send strings. I've read on > the list other conversations where the recommendation was to use xdrlib > or struct. But it appears that is only useful when you control the > client and the server. PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong, but using struct > just encodes the binary data as a string, right? > > # Example sending binary data as a string > s = socket.socket() > s.connect(("", 8000)) > packet = struct.pack('4B', 1, 2, 3, 4) > s.send(packet) > > In my understaing the above just sends the string '\x01\x02\x03\x04', > not raw binary data. I've looked at Billy the Kid and pcap, which are > cool but not what I need. >
It will send the 4 bytes, binary, and not the string as you assumed. If you want to satisfy yourself, run tcpdump (or ethereal) to observe what is being sent. > Do I have to build my own packets from scratch and encode all the > TCP/IP headers myself to get this to work? > > Solutions and Corrections welcome and appreciated. > Thanks very much > > -- > matthew -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list