subramanian2003 wrote:
> Hello All,
>     How can I check missing feature classes in a folder/personal geodatabase 
> using python script. And how can I check  missing fields in shape files. And 
> also I want to check the attribute values using python.
> Thnx,
> Subramanian.
This list is usually very helpful, however, I think you are going to
need to be more specific to get an answer here.

For instance,

What's are "missing feature classes"?
What's a "folder/personal geodatabase"?
What's are "missing fields"?
What's a "shape file"?
On what object to you wish to check "attribute values"?

I'm not sure I can help even if I have those answers, but I'm sure I
can't help if I don't.

Gary Herron


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