Thanks for a detailed reply.

> Firewall and filter are two things totally separated!

Sorry for being to general. I want to create a filter like
dansgaurdian. I was thinking of it also as a firewall because is
restricts traffic on a port based on content, but you're correct, they
aren't the same thing at all.

> Take a look at wipfw ( that do what you want

Thanks for the tip I'll check it out.

> And for windows. Why? All that work with networking (and not only that) work 
> better with
> *nix OS!

Yes you are correct again. I am infact working on linux right now, and
it is my os of choice. How ever I need to deploy this on M$win :(

> win32COM for do what?

My knowledge of COM is miniscule, but I assumed it has a low level
interface for packet filtering.

> You can do it in not so difficult manner:
> Take twisted and its proxy class, make some outline code (for filter the
> pages) and enjoy! (work also on win)

Proxy would be an easy way, but I wanted to do it at a lower level.

Thanks again.


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