f = file('output.txt','w')
print >>f, '%-30s | %-12d | %-12d |%-12d ' % (typename,
size / count,
> hello,
> one more question i will have!
> now i have written a little programm, which delivers me an output on the
> shell!
> here is the print command, which delivers me the following output (see
> below) on the shell:
> print '%-30s | %-12d | %-12d |%-12d ' % (typename,
> size / count,
> count,
> size)
> --------------NAME-------------|Groesse(Byte)-|----Anzahl----|-Gesamtgroesse
> (Byte)-|
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> ADD_REAL_N6 | 4 | 1 |4
> AND_BOOL_N10 | 4 | 1 |4
> AND_BOOL_N12 | 4 | 1 |4
> Is there a way to put this output in an file?!?! i searched about 2h for
> this, but i couldn`t find an answer!
> thnks, juergen