this helps me! thank you very much!!!!!
greetings, juergen JH> Fredrik Lundh wrote: >> Juergen Huber wrote: >> >>> ok...i thought as much, that i have to copy this file! >>> >>> how will i do that?! >>> how will i fix this file => delete the first line?! >>> >>> with which commands could i do that?! >> >> start here: >> >> >> >> </F> JH> that documentation i have already read, but it wouldn`t help me for my JH> problem! JH> i know, how i can read the first line an print them on the screen! JH> can i say python, delete the first line?! JH> thats my problem! as Fredrik told you, you can not delete the first line directly!!! JH> in the entry of my posting i wrote, that i am a newbie and so please JH> understand me, that i ask so questions?! :-) We are trying to understand that, but it is expected some effort on your side as well :) You didn't read the documentation properly! try to experiment with the code by yourself as well! Try: 1) open your file 2) use readlines() method which returns the list of ALL rows from the file and store them to some variable. it can be done for example like: all_lines = f.readlines() (if you do not know, what the list is, start here: 4) save the list members without its first member to the file for example: for line in all_lines[1:]: f.write(line) 5) close the file Good luck Petr Jakes JH> thanks for your help! --