On Friday 02 June 2006 13:07, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
> >>>>> "A.M" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (AM) wrote:
> >
> >AM> This is my 1st day that I am seriously diving into Python and I have
> >AM> to finish this application by the end of today.
> Are you serious?
> --
> Piet van Oostrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> URL: http://www.cs.uu.nl/~piet [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
> Private email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's not that unfeasible - I can think of a few instances off the top of my 
head where
management have read something in a magazine or heard something in 
conversation, then
come in full of vim and vigour the next day - telling people to create item X 
using buzzword
technology Y by the end of the day, the week or whatever, despite the devs 
having never seen it,
despite the timescale being insufficient, and despite there being *real* work 
to do.

Even if it's just because they want to see it, or to impress other management 
types with their
use of the latest "trend", I believe the best response is to just get on with 
Self-preservation and all that.

Even so, the idea of using python across the company is actually a very 
sensible one, so I expect
it's programmer's enthusiasm fuelling things in this case.

There are 10 types of people in this world,
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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