mac_string = '001485e55503' (This is the mac address of a computer.) I am using wake on LAN python script to start computer remote.It uses format like this ....
s.sendto('\xff'*6 + '\x00\x014\x85\xe5\x55\x03'*16, ('', 80)) where '\x00\x14\x85\xe5\x55\x03' is the MAC address to be used. What I do is break the string into 6 parts like this, str01=mac_string[0:2] str02=mac_string[2:4] str03=mac_string[4:6] str04=mac_string[6:8] str05=mac_string[8:10] str06=mac_string[10:12] and if I use it like this s.sendto('\xff'*6 + '\xstr01\xstr02\xstr03\xstr04\xstr05\xstr06'*16, ('', 80)) I get an error I also tried like this s.sendto('\xff'*6 + 'mac_string'*16, ('', 80)) Thiis also didnt work. Since the MAC adddress are hexadecimal, how should I go about it here. Please help, every help is appreciated. Thanks --