defcon8 wrote: > I can't remember the proposal number,
but many of you reading will have > probably read the features that will be added to python 2.5. The actual > part I wanted to talk about was the finally part of try. It has been here from the start (well, IIRC, it's since at least 1.5.2) - the only limitation was that you couldn't use both 'except' and 'finally' in the same statement, so you had to wrap'em when needed. > Isn't it > totally defeating a compiler's job by executing the finally part even > if there is an error in the previous statements? I don't see how this relates to the compiler. But anyway, the whole point of the 'finally' clause is (and has ever been) to *ensure* this block gets executed *whatever* happened. FWIW, the canonical use case is resource aquisition/release. > Or have I understood > something wrong? Seems so - unless it's me misunderstading your question. -- bruno desthuilliers python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])" --