On 2006-06-21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I am absolutely new to Linux programming, with no w######s programming
> experience except a small amount of C++ console apps.
> Reasonably new to Linux, BSD etc, got good sound networking base of
> knowledge and dont have any problem working the command line etc.
> I want to learn a language that I can use in my networking duties that
> is most likely to be of use to me. I have a few choices I can think of
> being:
> Python
> Perl
> C
> Any other Langs out there that would be better suited?
> I want to be able to use the app's I write in OpenBSD and RH versions
> of Linux
> What would you reccomend (Unbiased opinion please, I'm after the
> functionality I'll love it later :) )

My favourite's Python, but Tcl is definitely worth a look. It's been
around a bit longer than Python (so more time for every conceivable
problem to have been met by someone and fixed), and I'm not an expert
but I think it's particularly good for things like sockets-- they're
just sort of built in and are very easy to work with.

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