John Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Can someone please suggest the most suitable python for mac osx 10.4.6 > Finding the right installs doesn't seem quite as cut and dried as it is for > linux or windows.
< 4-07.dmg> -- a link found at <> under the heading "MacOS X". > I'm also looking for numeric and pyopengl. I am not aware of precompiled versions of these packages for this latest version of MacOSX. However, Apple's XCode can be downloaded for free (you can probably also get a copy, w/o the bother of downloading, from the Installers folder on your MacOSX DVD -- but it won't be the latest and greatest;-), and it includes a gcc which lets you build and install most normal Python extensions from source distributions by just typing "python install" at the Terminal (you may need to use sudo to request installation privileges, and/or set your $PATH appropriately to ensure you're using the version of Python you want to build and install for, e.g. the above-mentioned 2.4.3 rather than the 2.3.5 that comes with MacOSX itself). Alex --