Anton Vredegoor wrote: > Paul Boddie wrote: > > > Anton Vredegoor wrote: > > >> Yes, but also what some other posters mentioned, making Pythons internal > >> parsing tree available to other programs (and to Python itself) by using > >> a widely used standard like XML as its datatype. > > > > > > Very interesting, it led me to some sxml describing pages and it also > tricked me into reading some Python documentation that I had always > considered to be hiding some arcane deep Python magic. I guess now that > Python is officially entering tree territory (as opposed to providing > third party functionality) it seems unavoidable that Python's officially > endorsed tree datatype will also be used for some of its internal > structures, thereby making it more accessible to programmers like me and > to outside programmers.
I had the same initial impression with the "deep" aspects of Python parser API but I learned soon that I just stumbled about an awkward kind parse-tree representation. The structures are as simple as they could be - due to the nice LL(1) Python grammar which are reflected. I think node manipulation is just a first basic step for defining source transformers i.e. they provide a sound basis. For usability purposes a template language is a far better solution. Here is my own attempt. Defining a repeat statement ( for demonstration purposes ) using EasyExtend requires following translation: repeat: <suite> until: <test> ==> while 1: <suite> if <test>: break The placeholders <suite> and <test> correspond to nodes in the parse-tree ( and constants in ). The repeat-stmt is defined by an added grammar rule. The corresponding node in the parse-tree is dispatched against Transformer.handle_repeat_stmt() during parse-tree traversal. Matching against <suite> and <test> in the repeat_stmt node is done by applying: suite_node = find_node(repeat_node, symbol.suite) test_node = find_node(repeat_node, symbol.test, level=1) What becomes tedious is the creation of the corresponding while_stmt node which is the expected result of the transformation. I actually want to use the declaration as it is written above and insert the suite_node and the test_node where the placeholders <suite> and <test> are defined. Using EasyExtend one can define an extension language where the placeholders ( and some enhanced versions of those ) become language elements! Given this one can put everything together: import macro # module that corresonds to the macro extension language class FastTransformer(Transformer): def handle_repeat_stmt(self, repeat_node): suite_node = find_node(repeat_node, symbol.suite) test_node = find_node(repeat_node, symbol.test, level=1) target_stmt = """ while 1: <suite> if <test>: break """ while_node = macro.expand(target_stmt, {'suite': suite_node, 'test': test_node}, goal = symbol.while_stmt) return any_stmt(while_node) This is pretty safe and works recursively: if the <suite> node contains another <repeat_stmt> node it will be replaced as well. --