Do you have a MySQL acccount set up on the localhost? I usually create
two users with the same privs. One for the localhost where the server
is, another to connect from somewhere else.

Something like

mysql> grant usage on *.* to 'user'@'localhost' identitfied by
mysql> grant usage on *.* to 'user'@'%' to identified by 'some_pass';

Check out

Hope this helps.

rodmc wrote:
> I have written an application that connects to a database on a remote
> machine which uses MySQLdb 1.2.0. The application works perfectly when
> connecting to the database from a remote machine, however when it
> attempts to connect to a database on the same machine a connection
> error is generated. I have attached what little info I can below.
> db = MySQLdb.connect(host=DBSERVERIP, user="user", passwd="password",
> db="nuke")
> --- it refuses to connect on the above line and the exception is caught
> and a message displayed.


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