Darren New wrote:

> > Personally, I would be quite happy to go there -- I dislike the idea
> > that a value has a specific inherent type.
> Interestingly, Ada defines a type as a collection of values. It works
> quite well, when one consistantly applies the definition.

I have never been very happy with relating type to sets of values (objects,
whatever).  I'm not saying that it's formally wrong (but see below), but it
doesn't fit with my intuitions very well -- most noticeably in that the sets
are generally unbounded so you have to ask where the (intentional) definitions
come from.

Two other notions of what "type" means might be interesting, both come from
attempts to create type-inference mechanisms for Smalltalk or related
languages.  Clearly one can't use the set-of-values approach for these purposes
;-)   One approach takes "type" to mean "set of classes" the other takes a
finer-grained approach and takes it to mean "set of selectors" (where
"selector" is Smalltalk for "name of a method" -- or, more accurately, name of
a message).

But I would rather leave the question of what a type "is" open, and consider
that to be merely part of the type system.  For instance the hypothetical
nullability analysis type system I mentioned might have only three types

It's worth noting, too, that (in some sense) the type of an object can change
over time[*].  That can be handled readily (if not perfectly) in the informal
internal type system(s) which programmers run in their heads (pace the very
sensible post by Anton van Straaten today in this thread -- several branches
away), but cannot be handled by a type system based on sets-of-values (and is
also a counter-example to the idea that "the" dynamic type of an object/value
can be identified with its tag).

([*] if the set of operations in which it can legitimately partake changes.
That can happen explicitly in Smalltalk (using DNU proxies for instance if the
proxied object changes, or even using #becomeA:), but can happen anyway in less
"free" languages -- the State Pattern for instance, or even (arguably) in the
difference between an empty list and a non-empty list).

    -- chris


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