Chris Uppal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I'm unsure whether to consider explicitly stored array lengths, which > > are present in most statically typed languages, to be part of a "type" > > in this sense or not. > > If I understand your position correctly, wouldn't you be pretty much forced to > reject the idea of the length of a Java array being part of its type ?
I've since abandoned any attempt to be picky about use of the word "type". That was a mistake on my part. I still think it's legitimate to object to statements of the form "statically typed languages X, but dynamically typed languages Y", in which it is implied that Y is distinct from X. When I used the word "type" above, I was adopting the working definition of a type from the dynamic sense. That is, I'm considering whether statically typed languages may be considered to also have dynamic types, and it's pretty clear to me that they do. > If you > want to keep the word "type" bound to the idea of static analysis, then -- > since Java doesn't perform any size-related static analysis -- the size of a > Java array cannot be part of its type. Yes, I agree. My terminology has been shifting constantly throughout this thread as I learn more about how others are using terms. I realize that probably confuses people, but my hope is that this is still superior to stubbornly insisting that I'm right. :) > That's assuming that you would want to keep the "type" connected to the actual > type analysis performed by the language in question. Perhaps you would prefer > to loosen that and consider a different (hypothetical) language (perhaps > producing identical bytecode) which does do compile time size analysis. In the static sense, I think it's absolutely critical that "type" is defined in terms of the analysis done by the type system. Otherwise, you miss the definition entirely. In the dynamic sense, I'm unsure; I don't have any kind of deep understanding of what's meant by "type" in this sense. Certainly it could be said that there are somewhat common cross-language definitions of "type" that get used. > But then you get into an area where you cannot talk of the type of a value (or > variable) without relating it to the specific type system under discussion. Which is entirely what I'd expect in a static type system. > Personally, I would be quite happy to go there -- I dislike the idea that a > value has a specific inherent type. Good! :) > It would be interesting to see what a language designed specifically to > support > user-defined, pluggable, and perhaps composable, type systems would look like. > Presumably the syntax and "base" semantics would be very simple, clean, and > unrestricted (like Lisp, Smalltalk, or Forth -- not that I'm convinced that > any > of those would be ideal for this), with a defined result for any possible > sequence of operations. The type-system(s) used for a particular run of the > interpreter (or compiler) would effectively reduce the space of possible > sequences. For instance, one could have a type system which /only/ forbade > dereferencing null, or another with the job of ensuring that mutability > restrictions were respected, or a third which implemented access control... You mean in terms of a practical programming language? If not, then lambda calculus is used in precisely this way for the static sense of types. > But then, I don't see a semantically critically distinction between such space > reduction being done at compile time vs. runtime. Doing it at compile time > could be seen as an optimisation of sorts (with downsides to do with early > binding etc). That's particularly clear if the static analysis is /almost/ > able to prove that <some sequence> is legal (by its own rules) but has to make > certain assumptions in order to construct the proof. In such a case the > compiler might insert a few runtime checks to ensure that it's assumptions > were > valid, but do most of its checking statically. I think Marshall got this one right. The two are accomplishing different things. In one case (the dynamic case) I am safeguarding against negative consequences of the program behaving in certain non- sensical ways. In the other (the static case) I am proving theorems about the impossibility of this non-sensical behavior ever happening. You mention static typing above as an optimization to dynamic typing; that is certainly one possible applications of these theorems. In some sense, though, it is interesting in its own right to know that these theorems have been proven. Of course, there are important doubts to be had whether these are the theorems we wanted to prove in the first place, and whether the effort of proving them was worth the additional confidence I have in my software systems. I acknowledge those questions. I believe they are valid. I don't know the answers. As an intuitive judgement call, I tend to think that knowing the correctness of these things is of considerable benefit to software development, because it means that I don't have as much to think about at any one point in time. I can validly make more assumptions about my code and KNOW that they are correct. I don't have to trace as many things back to their original source in a different module of code, or hunt down as much documentation. I also, as a practical matter, get development tools that are more powerful. (Whether it's possible to create the same for a dynamically typed language is a potentially interesting discussion; but as a practical matter, no matter what's possible, I still have better development tools for Java than for JavaScript when I do my job.) In the end, though, I'm just not very interested in them at the moment. For me, as a practical matter, choices of programming language are generally dictated by more practical considerations. I do basically all my professional "work" development in Java, because we have a gigantic existing software system written in Java and no time to rewrite it. On the other hand, I do like proving theorems, which means I am interested in type theory; if that type theory relates to programming, then that's great! That's probably not the thing to say to ensure that my thoughts are relevant to the software development "industry", but it's nevertheless the truth. -- Chris Smith - Lead Software Developer / Technical Trainer MindIQ Corporation --