Chris Smith wrote:
> Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > While I am quite sympathetic to this point, I have to say that
> > this horse left the barn quite some time ago.
> I don't think so.  Perhaps it's futile to go scouring the world for uses
> of the phrase "dynamic type" and eliminating them.   It's not useless to
> point out when the term is used in a particularly confusing way, though,
> as when it's implied that there is some class of "type errors" that is
> strictly a subset of the class of "errors".  Terminology is often
> confused for historical reasons, but incorrect statements eventually get
> corrected.

Ok, so you (Chris Smith) object to the term "dynamic type".  From a
historical perspective it makes sense, perticular in the sense of
tags.  A dynamic type system involves associating tags with values and
expresses variant operations in terms of those tags, with certain
disallowed combinations checked (dynamicly) at run-time.  A static
type system eliminates some set of tags on values by syntactic
analysis of annotations (types) written with or as part of the program
and detects some of the disallowed compuatations (staticly) at compile

Type errors are the errors caught by ones personal sense of which
annotations are expressible, computable, and useful.  Thus, each
person has a distinct sense of which errors can (and/or should) be
staticly caught.

A personal example, I read news using Emacs, which as most readers in
these newsgroups will know is a dialect of lisp that includes
primitives to edit files.  Most of emacs is quite robust, perhaps due
to it being lisp.  However, some commands (reading news being one of
them) are exceptionally fragile and fail in the most undebuggable
ways, often just complaining about "nil being an invalid argument" (or
"stack overflow in regular expression matcher".)

This is particularly true, when I am composing lisp code.  If I write
some lisp code and make a typographical error, the code may appear to
run on some sample case and fail due to a path not explored in my
sample case when applied to real data.

I consider such an error to be a "type error" because I believe if I
used a languages that required more type annotations, the compiler
would have caught my typographical error (and no I'm not making a pun
on type and typographical).  Because I do a lot of this--it is easy
enough for me to conjure up a small lisp macro to make some edit that
it is a primary tool in my toolkit, I wish I could make my doing so
more robust.  It would not bother me to have to type more to do so.  I
simply make too many stupid errors to use emacs lisp as effectively as
I would like.

Now, this has nothing to do with real lisp programming, and so I do
not wish to offend those who do that.  However, I personally would
like a staticly typed way of writing macros (and more importantly of
annotating some of the existing emacs code) to remove some of the
fragilities that I experience.  I'm not taking avantage of the
exploratory nature of lisp, except in the sense that the exploratory
nature has created lots of packages which mostly work most of the

Now, I will return this group to its much more erudite discussion of
the issue.

Thank you,

Chris Clark                    Internet   :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compiler Resources, Inc.       Web Site   :  
23 Bailey Rd                   voice      :  (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA  01503  USA         fax        :  (978) 838-0263  (24 hours)


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