You are comparing a normal python list to a constant, which are
obviously unequal. Try converting your lists to arrays first

import numeric/numpy as N
a =N.array([0,1,2,5,6,6])
b = N.array([5,4,1,6,4,6])
print a==6 and b==6
print N.where(a==6 and b==6)


Sheldon wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two arrays that are identical and contain 1s and zeros. Only the
> ones are valid and I need to know where both arrays have ones in the
> same position. I thought logical_and would work but this example proves
> otherwise:
> >>> a = [0,1,2,5,6,6]
> >>> b = [5,4,1,6,4,6]
> >>> Numeric.logical_and(a==6,b==6)
> 0
> >>> Numeric.where(a==b,1,0)
> 0
> >>> Numeric.where(a==6 and b==6,1,0)
> 0
> The where() statement is also worhtless here. Does anyone have any
> suggestion on how to do this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Sheldon


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