Hi all, pyfcp is a suite of tools, including a package, modules and applications, for accessing the Freenet network.
What is freenet? Freenet - www.freenetproject.org - is a 'darknet' which supports anonymous publication and retrieval of websites and other media, in a way that makes it extremely expensive, if not impossible, for Big Brother to find out the source or requesters of any given files. pyfcp empowers python programmers to write applications which access the freenet network. Note that pyfcp only works with the new-generation 0.7 alpha freenet - it will not work with the current stable 0.5 version. But that is most certainly a plus :) pyfcp is available on the freenet website (downloads section), but also has its own website on the mainstream web: http://www.python.org/pyfcp as well as within freenet: freenet:[EMAIL PROTECTED],E9uFCy0NhiTbR0jVQkY77doaWtxTrkS9kuMrzOtNzSQ,AQABAAE/pyfcp/50/ Enjoy! -- Cheers aum -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list