
 I don't know zipfile by heart, but python official documentation is
always good ( docs.python.org ). You need a loop in the file list like

  for file in zip:

 Unfortunatelly, there are too many ways to create a thumbnail from an
image. I'll cite one, using the "python image" external module, that
I've found to be very easy:

import Image
def process(file):
    image = Image.open(file)
    image.thumbnail ((128,128), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    image.save (file + '.thumb.png')
    print 'Skipping file', file

 http://docs.python.org/lib/lib.html - Python Library Reference
 http://www.pythonware.com/library/pil/handbook/image.htm - The Image

K P S wrote:
> Hi.
>   I'm looking for a small script that will take a .zip archive and pull
> the first .jpg from the archive and convert it to a .png.
> The reason for this is I want to have tuhmbnails for these archives in
> nautilus under gnome.  I would like something similar to the following
> code, which will pull a thumbnail from an openoffice.org (oasis)
> document.  What I want is a little more involved, I guess, since I
> don't know the name of the file (for the zip.read command), and I need
> to convert the file from .jpg to .png once I get it.  Any help would be
> appreciated.  Including a pointer to a web page of a manual with
> examples. :-)
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import zipfile
> import sys
> import gnomevfs
> inURL=gnomevfs.get_local_path_from_uri(sys.argv[1])
> outURL=sys.argv[2]
> zip=zipfile.ZipFile(inURL,mode="r")
> picture=zip.read("Thumbnails/thumbnail.png")
> thumbnail=open(outURL,"w")
> thumbnail.write(picture)
> thumbnail.write("/n")
> zip.close()
> thumbnail.close()


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