On 16/06/2006 7:28 PM, Holger wrote:
> Well, that was an excellent opportunity to get some python practice, so
> below is my first shot at the problem.
> Any feedback on what would be "the pythonic way" to do this would be
> much appreciated!

> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # Copyright 2006 Holger Lindeberg Bille
> import sys, re, os
> import popen2
> workingfile = re.compile("^Working file: *(.*)$")
> revision    = re.compile("^revision *(.*)$")
> fileend     =
> re.compile("^===========================================================================")
> details     = re.compile("^date: *")
> entryend    = re.compile("^----------------------------")
> branches    = re.compile("^branches:( *(.*);)*")
> class LogEntry:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.rev = 0
>         self.prevrev = 0
>         self.text = []
>     def setName(self, name):
>         self.name = name
>     def read(self, file):
>         done = 0
>         for line in file:
>             regx = details.search(line)
>             if regx:
>                 pass
>             else:
>                 if entryend.search(line):
>                     break
>                 else:
>                     if fileend.search(line):
>                         done = 1
>                         break
>                     else:
>                         self.text.append(line.strip())
>         return done

IMHO that flight of geese heading equatorwards for winter is not Xic for 
any language X. Compare with:
|    def read(self, file):
|        done = 0
|        for line in file:
|            regx = details.search(line)
|            if regx:
|                pass
|            elif entryend.search(line):
|                break
|            elif fileend.search(line):
|                done = 1
|                break
|            else:
|                self.text.append(line.strip())
|        return done

2nd comment: Make a habit of NOT using the names of built-ins like 
"file" for your own names. Pretend they are reserved words. Doesn't 
matter in this case, but will save you grief some day soon.

3rd comment: Read the section in the re manual that explains the 
difference between search and match. Searching for "^foo" will give the 
same results as using match() with "foo" or the redundantly anchored 
"^foo". However some regex engines when presented with
     re.search("^foo", "x" * 10000)
will note that there is no joy at offset 0, there is no point (given the 
anchor "^") of looking at offset 1, and return almost immediately. 
Others (cough, cough) will check at offset 1, 2, ...
Ponder these results:

python -mtimeit -s"import re;rx=re.compile('^foo');txt='x'*10000" 
100000 loops, best of 3: 1.2 usec per loop

python -mtimeit -s"import re;rx=re.compile('foo');txt='x'*10000" "
10000 loops, best of 3: 19.8 usec per loop

python -mtimeit -s"import re;rx=re.compile('^foo');txt='x'*10000"
1000 loops, best of 3: 201 usec per loop

4th comment: what you have called "regx" is a match object. "mobj" might 
be a better choice. The term "regex" is applied to a pattern, or 
sometimes to the compiled re object.

>     def GuessPrevRev(self):
>         pass
>     def filter(self, filter):

Ugh. THREE filters: the built-in, the argument, and the method.
In any case, this method doesn't perform a filtering operation, and the 
arg is not a filter, it's an re pattern. Suggestion:
     def anyLinesMatch(self, pattern):

>         found = 0
>         for line in self.text:
>             if filter.search(line):
>                 found = 1
>                 break
>         return found


> class FileLog:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.revs = []
>     def filter(self, filter):
>         found = 0
>         newrevs = []
>         for rev in self.revs:
>             if rev.filter(filter):

Waahhh! The filter count has now hit 4.

>                 found = 1
>                 newrevs.append(rev)
>         self.revs = newrevs
>         return found

> class LogDB:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.flogs = []
>     def filter(self, filter):
>         newflogs = []
>         for flog in self.flogs:
>             if flog.filter(filter):
See above.
>                 newflogs.append(flog)
>         self.flogs = newflogs


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