Version 0.83.2 of PyDSTool has been released, and now includes a patch
for compilation of AUTO on Linux (as of 15th June).
PyDSTool is an open-source project providing a range of dynamical
systems simulation and analysis tools. It supports both continuous-
and discrete-time systems including ordinary differential equations,
differential-algebraic equations, maps, and "hybrid" event-driven
systems. It also provides model building classes and templates for
specification of complex networks, including the manipulation of
symbolic math expressions. Other features include enhancements of
SciPy and Numarray classes.
The sub-package PyCont provides native continuation and bifurcation
analysis tools (now including a low-level interface to AUTO).
Included toolbox utilities provide template classes and functions for
scientific applications, including to systems biology and computational
Documentation and tutorial information can be found on the wiki:
or download the package directly from
Your continuing feedback and code contributions are greatly appreciated.
Please help us improve this project!
Thanks for your attention,
Rob Clewley, Erik Sherwood, Drew LaMar,
Dept. of Mathematics and Center for Applied Mathematics,
Cornell University.