BartlebyScrivener wrote:
> >> I'd like something a bit like a module,
> >> but I'd like to make several of them,
> >> and not have them interfere with each other."
> Thank you. I sense what you are saying, but at this point I'd be
> thinking, "Why not just make several modules?" :) I'll get to it. I've
> got my hands full just learning everything else.
> rd

To grasp the basics of OO, I strongly suggest you start with an example
of a banking application. It is in Alan Gauld's tutorial here:

Check the bank account class in "Object oriented programming".
I think it is a very good real-life example of how to work with
objects, and it was a real eye opener to me when I was in your

By the way, the whole tutorial is very good.

I also recommend:
Josh Cogliati's Python Tutorial for Non-Programmers
A Byte of Python

Hope it helps...


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