On Wednesday 14 June 2006 16:57, Kathy Garcia wrote:
> htmldiv style='background-color'DIV class=RTE
> P BR FONT face="Courier New"To Whom it May Concern BR I have recently
> downloaded Python 2.4.3 on Windows XP. The program does not recongnize when
> I type in python " name 'python' is not defined". Please tell me how to
> correct this./FONT BR /P DIV /DIV FONT color=#000000 /DIV
>  DIV /DIV /FONT /div br clear=allhrExpress yourself instantly with
> MSN Messenger!  a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMAEN/2731??PS=47575";
> target="_top"MSN Messenger/a Download today it's FREE! /html

Hi there.

Seems like you're opening a python interpreter by running python, then typing 
"python" into that. 

Whatever you're trying to do, this probably isn't the way to go about it. :-)

You seem to be successfully running python. Maybe if you let us know what 
you're trying to achieve other than that, it would be possible to help.



PS: If you could manage it, sending plain text messages instead of html ones 
would be great. You'll notice html messages are virtually unheard of on most 
lists/groups. They make an awful unreadable mess for many of us and are kind 
of the newsgroup equivalent of breaking wind in an elevator. :-)

There are 10 types of people in this world,
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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