On 2006-06-15, Nick Maclaren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >|>> Firstly, a FAR more common assumption is that integers wrap in twos' >|>> complement - Python does not do that. >|> >|> It used to, and I sure wish there was still a way to get that >|> behavior back. Now I have to do all sorts of bitwise ands that >|> I didn't use to. > > Given that it is perhaps THE most common cause of severe > failure in large scientific codes, I don't agree that it > should be the default. A 'twos complement' class would be > quite reasonable.
Since Python went to non-fixed-length integers, a couple of those classes have been written. I tried one of them and it was rather clumsy. There was no conversion/coercion between different widths or between fixed-width integers and "regular" integers. That mean you had to call a constructor even if all you wanted to do was add 2 to a value. >|> > Secondly, it is NOT incompatible with IEEE 754, which is a >|> > pure hardware standard. All it does is to trap the exception >|> > and take appropriate action (as permitted by that standard). >|> >|> There are two allowed (selectable?) behaviors for 1/0: trap and >|> Inf. > > Er, no. The second is REQUIRED to set an exception flag, But it's not required to generate a trap according to my reading of the spec. > which IEEE 754 assumes that the code will test and take > appropriate action (which can be anything, including aborting > the program and replacing it by a NaN). See > http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/JAVAhurt.pdf IEEE Std 754-1985, subclause 7.2 - Division by Zero "If the divisor is zero and the dividend is a finite nonzero number, then the division by zero shall be signaled. The result, when no trap occurs, shall be a correctly signed (infinity symbol)(6.3)." To me it looks like the spec specifically allows for a case where "no trap occurrs" and the result is Inf. >|> As long as I can get IEEE 754 results, that's cool. I'd prefer >|> if Python just let the HW do it's thing when possible. > > Including crash and burn? No. :) > Seriously. I don't think that you realise just how many > layers of fixup there are on a typical "IEEE 754" system, and > how many variations there are even for a single platform. Probably not. -- Grant Edwards grante Yow! My face is new, my at license is expired, and I'm visi.com under a doctor's care!!!! -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list